I did end up using a different title, but it's even cheesier than "Aroma Odyssey," so there's really no need to divulge it.
Without further ado (I've been adoing all over the place for the past 2 weeks):
[click to enlarge]

Big THANK YOU to Arthur for creating the beautiful layout, which matches so delightfully with my amuse bouche.
Amuse Bouche: Chicken Liver Pate, Grapefruit Gelee, Jasmine Tea Glaze
Blue Cheese Mousse & Pickled Plums on Endives
Avocado-Purple Shiso Grilled Rice Ball
'Fish Pie': Bass, Kombu-Gewurztraminer Cream Sauce, Nori Mashed Potatoes
Crispy Pork Belly, Jalapeno-Rosemary Oil, Cantaloupe Puree, Rosemary Sweet Potato Mash
Curry Pot de Creme, Oatmeal Stout Apple Fritters
Phew. A lot of sweat, a lot of yelling at M (have I mentioned that he's the best ever? 'Cause he is. Also, in the last photo, he is holding up a rumpled up down comforter to block from view the piles of greasy bike parts on the floor behind the plate), some laughter, some successes, some not-so-successes. A lot of learning. My favorites were the amuse bouche and the dessert, which I will most definitely be making again.
But no more cooking for me...for a few days.
It's a beautiful and mild night, so M and I biked to Ayada in Elmhurst. Riding through the suburbs of Queens on a warm night makes me feel like a kid again. Except I grew up in Palos Verdes. And actually it's speeding down the hills that makes me feel like a kid.
Every time I eat at Ayada, the food is even more outstanding than I remember it being. It's a meal that kicks you in the face, knocks you on your ass, and then gives you a big hug. We ordered too much food, and left nary a chili seed or a grain of rice on our plates. And the service is always warm and accommodating.
Now it's time to lie back on these laurels and watch one of the 200 movies that M downloaded in BluRay. Life's okay.
I'll be back in a few.